Well..............shock to all I got another haircut...Pic's arn't so great as they were takin with a phone...but you can tell the difference....well Me and my buddy Zachary are going to the fair on Friday !!
Before............................and after daddy took me to get a hair cut.
First of all...mommy is way behind on keeping up on my blog...however...we have lots of pictures to share! I have moved out of the baby class and into the waddler class at school.... after I was in there for about a week....we got some new kiddo's from another school and we had a biting fest......... It only took a about two weeks for all us to figuare out...if anyone bites we don't get to go outside...and WHOOO glad we got over it.
Bubby is doing well in school...hopefully when he comes home he will build me a moster truck....because I love daddy's red truck...he takes me riding around the yard....and even lets mommy drive sometimes...because bubby took his four-wheeler to granny's and left it...but I found it and mommy had to ride me on those dusty roads but I had a blast...
I got to go to the saline county fair...and see all the animals and ride lots of rides........the first ride went a little fast and it kind of scared me...but then I rode a few more and man...I through a fit when aunt les and mom made me leave...maybe I can talk them in to taking me to the state fair thats coming this week! Mommy and daddy went to Nashville to see bubby and let me with the grandparents...............whooo hooo...partytime....I stated with my GG and meme and aunt dee on Friday and Saturday then with Granddady and Grammy on Saturday night and sunday....wow I had a blast ... If anyone could imagin how spoild rotten I am it gets 10 times worse when I am away from mommy and daddy for a weekend! Well mommy will post pictures soon......Happy October everyone....oh and first day of bow hunting...for those hunters out there!