Look how old I am

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I've been Sicked...but I am gettin better!

I woke up @ 2am Wed morning CRANKY with a High Fever...so mommy carried me to work and the she too me to the doctor..and my aunt Les showed up...after some meds...Aunt Les carried me to her house... she says I was misriable...I couldn't sleep...breath...just whinny and coughin....So Thursday Grammy and Grandaddy kept me....I still wasn't feeling to Good so then I got to stay with my GG and meme............My aunt Mal skipped out on me...Whats up with that.

Sat. mommy and Grandaddy canned some pickles...Since I wasn't feeling to hot this week...we just stuck around the house again....Saturday afternoon...I pulled my self up on the table and was standing up...luckly mommy was right there...cause I let lose of the table and was headded for the floor head first....
Daddy filled all of my toys up with Batteries...man tickle me elmo, tiger, pablo, spiderman, man They keep my attention..............So sunday we had to go to Target......oh to get more Batteries of course.....If I was going to buy stock ...I would buy it in Batteries...........

Sunday, July 19, 2009


YAP thats me this week... I have been very cranky....but hey that silly nurse at the doc office gave me 4 shots and that made me VERY cranky....hopefully I am over-coming my cranky-ness

not a lot of new news on my side of town... but I do have to say that me and daddy fight over the remote EVERY day! well I just think I need everything that someone else has in their hands...

Well I haven't been to see baby Connor but we did check on him....mommy said I couldn't go see him until...I was over my crankyness.....but baby Connor is doing good....

We have had a very LAZY weekend...but we're due one ....we have been goin and goin...a break is good....However I can sit up by myself !

Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy 1/2 year old to me

Well its official I am 1/2 a year old today...I am crawling(kind-of) and spoiled rotten: )
However mommy will post pic's today! since I am 1/2 a year old!
We have had a very big weekend...my GG is moving so mommy got me up bright and early on Sat morning and went to GG..........My meme came and got me so I got to stay with her while mommy moved GG...then she got me up again Sunday morning and did the exact same thing............man I am wore out...I got to go to meme's and my grammy's and granddads........wow what a day...
Now my big brother decided he wanted my room so he moved all of my stuff in to his old room and moved all of his stuff in my room (he got new furniture)
We got to go to out back with Grammy and Granddad on Fri and I got to see my aunt Tracy who I haven't seen in a while.....
Well we got to get my room back together so I can crawl to it : )
I will catch up with everybody soon...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My New Friend

My mommy and aunt les frind Anjela and Mr. James had a baby boy Tuesday...his name is CONNOR him weighed 7lb 15oz..........I can't wait to go and play with him...mommy went by the hospital to visit and said him is so little...and that I was never that little...oh well
CONGRAT's to Mrs Anjie and Mr. James and WELCOME baby connor....we will get some pictures posted as soon as aunt les sends them to mommy.................

so you can catch up with me.........I'm still not crawling but I can roll everywhere I want to go.........I started likin that cereal stuff this week..........shhh..mommy puts karo syrup in it..makes it tasty.........however I still don't sleep all night....and my daddy had a birthday yesterday I got him some prizes and colored in his card....I go for my six month check up next week.........I really like my doctor...its just those nurses with those sharp objects I not so fond of...

Thanks for stopping by and mom should post some pictures of me soon.......hope everyone is having a good summer and stay cool..............xoxoxo

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Red white and blue.......


TO EVERYONE....we hope you have a safe and happy holiday weekend!

We don't have a lot of plans for the weekend....but I am going to visit my granny...while mommy daddy and bubby go and shoot bang-bangs on saturday...but don't worry...mommy and daddy gonna come back to grannys and stay with me too.......I got to stay with my grammy pam and grandpa today ........I love skipping daycare.......